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American West Analytical Laboratories (AWAL) is a full service laboratory specializing in environmental analysis and industrial testing. AWAL produces high quality data that is legally defendable by strict adherence to NELAC, A2LA (Cert#3236.01), NLLAP, and regulatory standards and methods. AWAL offers free consulting services to our clients to ensure that projects run accurately, within budget, and on time. The following laboratories are available to meet your analytical needs.

  • Classical/Wet Chemistry
  • Metals (ICP, ICP/MS, and Hg)
  • Herbicides, Pesticides and PCBs (GC/ECD)
  • Volatile Organics (GC/MS)
  • Semivolatile Organics (GC/MS)
Awal ashaari

Regulatory area of expertise include SDWA, CWA, RCRA, TCLP, SPLP, UST, ELAP-DOD, ISO 17025, NLLAP, and NPDES.

Our business hours are 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday through Friday. Other hours are available upon request.

Malay English


translations awal

  • Macam mana saya kesiangan walaupun saya masuk tidur awal?!

    How did I oversleep even though I went to bed early?!

  • Brian melakukan analisis awal dan perbandingan, dan dia datang dengan beberapa hal yang cukup menarik.

    Brian did a preliminary analysis and comparison, and he came up with some pretty interesting stuff.

  • Delineator masa utama kapal telah hilang ketika awal hempasan.

    The ship's primary temporal delineator was lost during initial impact.


Less frequent translations

in advance·ahead of time·beginning·betimes·commencement·dawn·early days·first·former·get-go·in good time·kickoff·morning·offset·origin·outset·premature·root·rootage·showtime·soon·source·start·starting time·too soon·youth

Similar phrases


Dia suka makan rambut orang, hati-hati atau kamu akan botak awal.
my horse. so be careful if you don't want to be bald.
Saya ingin tahu samada mencari dia sekarang masih terlalu awal.
I'm just wondering if going after him now is premature.


Riana ialah seorang saudara yang berusia awal 20-an.
Mengapakah catatan tentang awal kehidupan Yesus di buku Matius dan Lukas berbeza?
Why do Matthew’s and Luke’s accounts differ as to Jesus’ early life?
Tetapi untuk mulai dari awal satu membutuhkan pendamping yang baik
Bagaimana pula dengan kehidupan anda begitu banyak shittier daripada yang lain daripada kita bahawa anda boleh membuang dalam tuala awal?
What about your life is so much shittier than the rest of ours that you get to throw in the towel early?
Pelajar Bible masa awal rendah hati dan melakukan kehendak Tuhan dengan ikhlas
Early Bible Students were humble people who sincerely desired to do God’s will
* Tiba awal untuk menyediakan kerusi, meja, dan video.
* Arrive early to set up the chairs, tables, and videos properly.
Perkahwinan bawah umur membawa banyak kesan buruk, termasuk bahaya kesihatan akibat kehamilan awal, tahap pendidikan lebih rendah bagi gadis yang berkahwin awal, kekerapan insiden keganasan rumah tangga dan kebarangkalian ditimpa kemisikinan yang lebih tinggi.
Child marriage is associated with many harmful consequences, including health dangers associated with early pregnancy, lower educational achievement for girls who marry earlier, a higher incidence of domestic violence, and an increased likelihood of poverty.[ 17]

Awal Mula Covid-19

Seorang penyanyi solo muda akan menyanyikan La Boheme pada awal acara.
The young soloist steps downstage, sings from La Boheme and then dance, of course.
Awale farah
Kalau awak tak mampu, City akan lantik seorang untuk awal.
Itulah sebabnya kami melawat Gabon dan menghadapi situasi yang disebut di awal rencana.

Awal Music Distribution

This led us to travel to Gabon, where we had the experience mentioned at the outset.
(b) semua orang tiba awal untuk perjumpaan sebelum kerja penyebaran?

Awale Adan

(b) everyone arrives on time for the meeting for field service?


Para pekerja yang awal setuju kepada gaji penuh di hari itu dan menerimanya.
The first workers agreed to the full wage of the day, and they received it.
Saya ingat sekali apabila mereka menonton rancangan itu dan pada awal ia menunjukkan sesuatu yang nampak sangat menjijikkan bagi mereka, tapi semasa imej TV itu meluas mereka mengenali bahawa ia sekeping pizza.
I remember that on one occasion they were watching that program and it showed something very close up that looked very ugly to them, even repulsive; but as the image widened, they realized that it was a very appetizing pizza.