Fdic Bank Find


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Fdic Bank Find

Fdic Bank Find

HeadquartersDate EstablishedAssets (1000s)
Valley National BankPassaic, NJ 01-01-1927$40,734,832
Investors BankShort Hills, NJ 01-01-1926$26,574,477
Provident BankJersey City, NJ 02-28-1839$12,845,440
Cross River BankTeaneck, NJ 06-23-2008$11,779,385
OceanFirst Bank, National AssociationToms River, NJ 01-01-1902$11,597,587
Columbia BankFair Lawn, NJ 01-01-1926$8,851,346
Lakeland BankNewfoundland, NJ 05-19-1969$7,512,619
ConnectOne BankEnglewood Cliffs, NJ 01-15-2005$7,449,083
Kearny BankKearny, NJ 01-01-1884$7,286,566
Peapack-Gladstone BankBedminster, NJ 09-21-1921$5,952,239
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank (U.S.A.) LimitedHoboken, NJ 09-21-1987$3,827,819
Spencer Savings Bank, SLAElmwood Park, NJ 09-19-1939$3,219,473
BCB Community BankBayonne, NJ 11-01-2000$2,841,340
Amboy BankOld Bridge, NJ 05-12-1888$2,546,314
First BankHamilton, NJ 04-23-2007$2,309,896

The FDIC Certificate ID is a number assigned to each head office depository institution by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation(FDIC). LEI The Legal Entity Identifier(LEI) is a 20-digit alpha-numeric reference code to uniquely identify a legally distinct entity that engages in a financial transaction. FDIC BankFind can provide bankers (and consumers) with a variety of helpful information about a financial institution, including the bank's status, website URL, headquarter location, number of branches, year of establishment, and other historical information. Learn more tips for using FDIC BankFind. Use advanced search criteria to find a bank or bank holding company, generate comprehensive financial or demographic reports, and find bank locations or groups of banks. Central Data Repository (CDR) Obtain Reports of Condition and Income (Call Reports) and Uniform Bank Performance Reports (UBPRs) for most FDIC-insured institutions. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is an independent agency created by the U.S. Congress to maintain stability and public confidence in the nation's financial system by insuring deposits, examining and supervising financial institutions for safety and soundness and consumer protection, and managing receiverships.

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