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Imei Sv Slot

mp_autokickmp_autokick [0 / 1]This command sets whether or not the auto kick feature should be enabled. The auto kick feature kicks people for being idle (AFK) and team damage. Default is 1 (enabled).
cl_hideserveripcl_hideserverip [0 / 1]This console command is used to hide the IP of your server in your console. This is particularly useful if you're streaming and don't want viewers to be able to catch your IP address, giving them the chance the DDoS the server.
banidbanid [Minutes] [User ID]This command will ban the user with the specified ID from the server, and add them to the banlist so that they cannot reconnect. The user ID of a user can be obtained by typing status into the console: the user ID is first number before a player's name in the list of players that is printed by that command.
banipbanip [Minutes] [IP Address ]This command is an alias of the 'addip' command. This console command bans the specified IP from the server for the specified amount of minutes. Specify 0 as the amount of minutes to ban permanently.
sv_maxvelocitysv_maxvelocity [Speed]This command sets the maximum speed any moving object in the game can reach. Default is 3500. Use sv_maxspeed for player speed.
changelevelchangelevel [Map Name]This command is used to change the map you're playing on.
rconrcon [Command]This command will issue the specified rcon command (i.e. issues the specified command on your server). Rcon means remote console - it allows you to execute server commands from the client.
rcon_addressrcon_address [IP Address]The IP address of the remote console you wish to connect to (default is the address of your own server). Change this only if the rcon address for the server you are connected to is different from the server's IP.
rcon_passwordrcon_password [Password]This command will authenticate you for rcon with the specified password.
sv_noclipspeedsv_noclipspeed [Multiplier]This command sets the speed multiplier for noclip mode. With this set to 5 (default) you can reach speeds 5 times as fast as those set by sv_maxspeed.
writeidwriteidThis command saves the list of user IDs that have been banned to banned_user.cfg, so that the bans apply even after the server restarts.
writeipwriteipThis command saves the list of IPs that have been banned to banned_ip.cfg, so that the bans apply even after the server restarts.
changelevel2changelevel2 [Map Name]This command changes the map you're playing on into a single player instance. Doing this can cause the map you're trying to load into to freeze.
cl_timeoutcl_timeout [Seconds]This network command is used to determine how many seconds your client will wait without receiving a packet from the server before disconnecting itself.
cl_updateratecl_updaterate [Packets p/second]This command is used to set the number of packets per second of updates you request from the server.
cl_upspeedcl_upspeed [Upspeed]This command controls your upspeed. The default value for this is 320.
connectconnect [IP]This console command allows you to easily connect to other CS:GO servers if you know the server's IP address.
disconnectdisconnectThis command will disconnect you from your current game and return you to the home screen (including offline games with bots, scenarios, etc).
heartbeatheartbeatThis command will force a heartbeat of master servers.
host_filtered_time_reporthost_filtered_time_reportThis command only works on dedicated servers. It will time the amount of time that was spent idle in the previous frame (ms).
host_flush_thresholdhost_flush_threshold [Threshold]This command will set the memory theshold for the which host should flush caches between server instances. When below this value, the caches will be flushed.
host_frameratehost_framerate [Framerate]This command will change the 'frame rate' of the host (server). Lower numbers will mean time passes faster, higher numbers will mean time passes slower. Set to 0 to disable.
host_info_showhost_info_show [0 / 1 / 2]This command can be used to change the amount of information that is shown when your server is queried (e.g. by server lists, the community server browser, etc). See argument information for options. 1 is the default setting for this command.
host_maphost_mapThis command will print to console the name of the map you are currently playing on. This can also be used to change the 'host_map' that appears in server queries if you provide a map name as an argument.
host_name_storehost_name_store [0 / 1]This command will set whether or not the server's hostname is recorded in game events and on GOTV (demos and live).
host_players_showhost_players_show [0 / 1 / 2]This command will set how the playercount is disclosed when your server is queried. See argument information for options.
host_reset_confighost_reset_configThis command will reset your host's config. NOTE: You cannot undo the effect of this command, so make sure to save your host's config before using this.
host_rules_showhost_rules_show [0 / 1]This command can be used to set whether or not your server rules show when your server is queried. Default is enabled (1).
host_runofftimehost_runofftimeThis command will make the server run off some time without rendering and updating sounds.
host_sleephost_sleep [Milliseconds]This command will make the server sleep for the specified amount of milliseconds after each frame. Set to 0 to disable (default).
host_timer_reporthost_timer_reportThis command would print out the CPU timer's jitter for the last 128 frames.
host_timescalehost_timescale [Multiplier]This can be used to speed up and slow down the speed of time on the server. In otherwords, you can make things go in slow motion or speed the server up with this command.
host_workshop_collectionhost_workshop_collection [Workshop ID]This command will get the latest version of the specified workshop collection ID and set the maps in that collection as the server's map list.
host_workshop_maphost_workshop_map [Workshop ID]This command will get the latest version of the workshop map with the specified ID (the ID is the numbers at the end of the workshop URL) and set it as your server's map.
host_writeconfighost_writeconfig [Config File]This command will save all of your server settings that you have set with host_ commands to your config.cfg, so that they apply even when the server restarts.
hostage_debughostage_debug [0 / 1]This command can be used to enable hostage AI debug information. Default is 0 (disabled).
hostfilehostfile [File Name]This command can be used to set the hosts file (default is hosts.txt). If no argument is specified, this command will print to console the name of the hosts file the server is currently using.
hostiphostip [IP] [hostip] [hostip localhost]This command can be used to assign the server an IP to run on. If not, the IP (bind to all available) will be used.
hostnamehostname [Hostname] [hostname]The hostname for the server to use (this is your server domain).
hostporthostport [Port] [hostport 27015] [hostport 26123]The port your server should run on. We recommend you keep this as default. You can run multiple servers on the same IP address if you change this port to a port that isn't in use.
ipipThis console command is used to override the IP if you are in a server that has multiple hosts. This does not show your IP in console; to do that use the command status .
ip_steamip_steam [IP]This command is used to override the IP that binds Steam profiles on servers with multiple hosts.
listidlistidUse this command in your console to print a list of the user IDs that are currently banned from the server you're on.
listiplistipUse this command in your console to print a list of the IP addresses that are currently banned on the server you're on.
maxplayersmaxplayers [Amount]This command sets the maximum amount of players that can connect to your server (i.e. the player cap).
pingpingThis command prints to the console your current ping (to the server you're connected to).
raterate [Rate (Bytes/s)]This command sets the rate at which your client can receive network data in bytes. Set this to a lower value if you have a bad internet connection.
removeallidsremoveallidsThis command unbans all players from your current server.
removeidremoveid [Steam ID]This command removes the specified user ID from your server's ban list.
removeipremoveip [IP Address]This command removes the specified IP address from your server's ban list.
retryretryThis command will make you attempt to reconnect to the last server you were connected to.
server_game_timeserver_game_time [Seconds]This command sets your server's game time (curtime) to the specified time in seconds.
servercfgfileservercfgfile [Config File Name]This command sets your server's config file to the specified config file.
sv_matchend_drops_enabledsv_matchend_drops_enabled [0 / 1]This command sets whether or not drops at the end of the match are enabled. Rewards gameplay time is accumulated regardless.
sv_matchpause_auto_5v5sv_matchpause_auto_5v5 [0 / 1]This command, if enabled, will automatically pause the match at the end of a round if the are less than 5 players on each team. Default is 0 (disabled).
sv_max_allowed_net_graphsv_max_allowed_net_graph [Value]This command sets the maximum value players can set their net_graph to on the server. Default is 1. Higher values show more information.
sv_max_queries_secsv_max_queries_secThis command sets the maximum amount of queries per second that will be responded to from the same IP address.
sv_max_queries_sec_globalsv_max_queries_sec_globalThis command sets the maximum amount of queries per second that the server will responsd to.
sv_max_queries_tracked_ips_maxsv_max_queries_tracked_ips_max [Amount]The command sets the maximum amount of IPs that will be saved/logged for query-related rate limiting.
sv_max_queries_tracked_ips_prunesv_max_queries_tracked_ips_prune [Seconds]This command sets how often, in seconds, the tracked IPs for query rate limiting will be pruned.
sv_max_queries_windowsv_max_queries_window [Seconds]The time window, in seconds, that average queries per second should be calculated over.
sv_maxratesv_maxrate [Bytes/s]This command sets the maximum bandwidth rate allowed (both incoming/outcoming) per second (in bytes) for each connection to the server.
sv_maxspeedsv_maxspeed [Speed]This command sets the maximum speed for each player on the server. A higher value will allow players to reach faster speeds. A lower value will make players be able to reach lower speeds.
sv_maxuptimelimitsv_maxuptimelimit [Hours]This command sets the maximum amount of time, in hours, that a server can run for before shutting itself down. Default is 0 (no limit).
sv_maxusrcmdprocesstickssv_maxusrcmdprocessticks [Ticks]This command sets the maximum amount of ticks that can be processed per second when a user is catching up as a result of packet loss.
sv_memlimitsv_memlimit [Megabytes]This command, if set, will shutdown the server at the end of a game if the amount of memory it is using is above this amount in megabytes. Note that this doesn't limit memory during the game, it will only shut down the server at the end of the match if it is exceeding this amount. Set to 0 to disable.
sv_mincmdratesv_mincmdrate [Tick Rate]This command sets the server's minimum tick rate. This can be used to change the server to 128 tick, in combination with the sv_minupdaterate command. Default is 64 tick.
sv_minratesv_minrate [Bytes/s]This command sets the minimum bandwidth rate that is allowed for clients connected to the server. Default is 16,000. 0 disables the limit.
sv_minupdateratesv_minupdaterate [Tick Rate]This command sets the minimum update rate for the server. This can be used in combation with the sv_mincmdrate command to change the server's tick rate (e.g. to 128 tick).
sv_minuptimelimitsv_minuptimelimit [Hours]This commands sets the minimum uptime hours required for the server to be stopped due to a memory amount above the amount set by sv_memlimit. Default is 0 (disabled).
sv_noclipacceleratesv_noclipaccelerate [Multiplier]This command sets the acceleration multiplier for noclip mode. With this set to 5 (default) you accelerate 5 times as fast.
sv_noclipduringpausesv_noclipduringpause [0 / 1]This command sets whether or not you can move around during puases when in noclip mode. Default is 0 (not allowed).
sv_party_modesv_party_mode [0 / 1]This command can be used to enable (1) or disable (0) party mode. When in party mode, bombs and tasers will shoot confetti. By default, this setting is disabled.
sv_passwordsv_password [0 / Password]This command can be used to set a password required to connect to the server. Set to 0 to disable.
sv_pausablesv_pausable [0 / 1]This command, if set to 1, will make the server pausable. By default this is set to 0 (server isn't pausable). If the server is pausable, users can type 'pause' or 'unpause' into the console to pause/resume the game.
sv_precacheinfosv_precacheinfoThis command prints to the console precache information.
sv_puresv_pure [0 / 1]This command, if set to 1, will make it so that the files of every client connected to the server have to match the server's files. Those in the pure_server_whitelist.txt file aren't checked.
sv_pure_consensussv_pure_consensus [Amount]This command sets the minimum number of file hashes that have to be agreed in order to form a consensus.
sv_pure_kick_clientssv_pure_kick_clients [0 / 1]This command, if set to 1, will kick players who fail the sv_pure check (have different files). This is set to 1 by default. Set to 0 to issue a warning instead of kick.
sv_pure_listfilessv_pure_listfilesThis command lists the server files that are checked with the client's files (for sv_pure 1).
sv_pure_retiretimesv_pure_retiretime [Seconds]This command sets the amount of time, in seconds, the server should have in idle time before the sv_pure file hash cache is cleared.
sv_pure_tracesv_pure_trace [0 / 1]This command, if set to 1, will make the server print a message to console whenever trying to verify a CRC for a file.
sv_querycache_statssv_querycache_statsThis command prints to console statistics about the query cachhe, including the amount of queries in the cache, the amount missed, and free space.
sv_rcon_whitelist_addresssv_rcon_whitelist_address [IP Address]This command can set an IP address to whitelist from rcon failed authentication bans. Failed authentication bans are bans issued when you get the rcon password wrong too many times - the IP address this is set to will never be banned for this reason.
sv_regeneration_force_onsv_regeneration_force_on [0 / 1]This command turns on regenerative health, if it is set to 1. Default is disabled (0).
sv_regionsv_region [Region #]This command sets the server's region (that shows in queries, etc) to the specified region. See argument information for regions.
sv_reliableavatardatasv_reliableavatardata [0 / 1 / 2]This command sets how players avatars are exchanged. Default is 0 (Steam). See argument information for help.